
Creation 2015

It is at the invitation of Jean-François Munnier, Concordan(s)e festival artistic director, that Fabrice Lambert and Gaëlle Obiegly met for their first collaboration: the creation of a duo. The discovery of their respective experiences, and their work together revealed the fruit of their exchanges, the crossroads between movement and words.

Fabrice Lambert and Gaëlle Obiégly had never met before. From this tandem of choreographer and writer brought together by Concordan(s)e comes this variation on the other, on the unknown and the mysteries of two presences yet to be invented.

In the ordinary setting of a living room, the offstage text first enunciates the word as if from a catalog, and the body from an organic point of view. Gradually, the imaginary and the poetic take over, filling the space with a story played out in two voices.

The dancer, like a phantasmatic mirage, creates confusion in his double attempt to disappear and to make the jolts of fiction resonate in his body.
Faced with the writer, he himself becomes “a poem in action”, with all the troubling and enigmatic qualities needed to keep us on the edge of our seats.

Nathalie Yokel

“A man and a woman in a space, but each in his own body, and in each body the organs. We glimpse a presence. Is there someone there? A person or a spirit. A ghost, perhaps. A human form onto which thoughts are projected, a body onto which feelings are applied, an animality whose subjectivity intrigues. The figure works to disappear under the gaze of another, who produces the narrative of this disappearance.” Gaëlle Obiegly

Premiered in 2015, in collaboration with author Gaëlle Obiégly, commissioned by the Concordan(s)e festival.

Chorégraphy Fabrice Lambert
Writer Gaëlle Obiégly
Production L’Expérience Harmaat
Coproduction Pôle sud, Centre de Développement Chorégraphique en préfiguration - Strasbourg Résidences de création Pôle sud – Strasbourg ; Villa Médicis – Rome ; Bibliothèque Faidherbe – Paris ; micadanses – Paris ; Centre national de la danse – Pantin.

Photo Delphine Micheli

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