ACT, a dialogue between the body and the elements that move it, bring it to life and inspire it.

3 solos, 3 different fundamental energies, each telling its own story, its own place of presence, and driving its own music:


A paper field welcomes a paper-clad body. Their wrappings create vibrations and colors. We witness a fusion that abolishes all boundaries, Impulsed by strong musical intensities.

Duration 20 min.


A world of contrasts where shapes combine to spark the imagination. The backdrop is a dangerous love story. A succession of lights and blacks create a cinematic rhythm in which dance imprints lines and the body plays with the gaze...

Running time 16 min

Territory of Time

A woman, a shield, a song:

A modern legend about time and its territories, inspired by the famous description of Achilles' shield in Canto XVIII of the Iliad. A dance that is both offensive and protective, extending its gaze and voice, as if on a thread, to unfold an epic, sensual poem.

Duration 18 min.

ACT is also a moment to open a dialogue on dance with the audience, the choreographer and his performers. It's a moment to exchange ideas about what we're watching, and to look again at reality in its 3 dimensions.

Duration 50 min.

Conception Fabrice Lambert
Interpretation Hanna Hedman
Music Pawel Szymanski

Conception and interpretation Fabrice Lambert
Music Franz Treichler, Nancy Sinatra Territoires du Temps
Conception Fabrice Lambert
Choreography et Interpretation Hanna Hedman
Music Anna Ternheim

Conception Fabrice Lambert
Interpretation Hanna Hedman et Fabrice Lambert
Stage manager, sound and lights Anthony Merlaud
Production L’Expérience Harmaat

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